Sunday, August 9, 2009

Triceps? Biceps?

So I'm back today from that short get away. 
This retreat, I gained a lot more grace than I had expected, it was actually quite mind blowing. I'm just so bummed it lasted only so long. I met a new friend. And oh man, this guy is only a junior now? He just captured my heart. He has so much love flowing in him, so much passion, and I've grown to adore him so much. I mean I probably only spent a couple of minutes throughout the whole weekend actually getting to know him, but it was incredible how much respect he gained from me. I can only wish I get to meet him sometime again and really befriend him. He puts me to shame, and his intentions make me tear up every time. This guy was legit, I mean he was the real deal, you dig? He wasn't an imitation and you can tell this guy is just genuinely good. It's sad, I don't think he knows I feel this way about him. Ha, and it can't feel any more weirder to praise someone so human. 
And here's an answer to your question.. 
Expressing myself in this way gives me the goosebumps, I mean in writing, being able to put my thoughts on the screen, on paper. My words are my friends. Because you know that everyone in the world isn't as privileged as us here.

I hope it's not so weird to say, I love him in some ways.
And honestly, I can't say I wasn't inspired by him.

But then again, I can't say I wasn't inspired by anyone there, all the teachers and volunteers really got a hold of my heart.

I think the elevation difference up there made my skin really dry or something? 
Because I put on like heavy duty lotion 10 times a day but it still didn't help the cracking and what not of my hands and feet, it's actually painful. But now that I'm back here in the city, it's all good. Just got to heal.

Speaking of things to heal. My arms are mad sore. I'm guessing it was the rock climbing. But it could've been the canoeing. Who knows for sure. 
And speaking of canoeing, my canoe was flipped over. I wish I can say it was the highlight of the weekend, but frankly I can't. I'm dying for you all to catch the enthusiasm of the tone I used there.

Does anyone read my blogs? I think it's only my beloved Christine who reads it. So, here's a shout out to you girlfriend. And what the hey, a picture for you too.

But why does that matter right? As long as I get to keep some record of my thoughts these days because I have no idea where it's flying off to these days.



  1. :o tell me all about it.
    and im pretty sure i aint the only one that reads yr blogs homeslice

  2. thanks babygirl
    your blogs are so professional
