Monday, April 19, 2010
Sunday, February 7, 2010
Superbowl Sunday

Saturday, December 12, 2009
Cold and Pale.'
So this is how it feels, right?
To lose someone. I mean it's that feeling where you feel like they're not really gone.
December 6 2009, he passed away.
It was coming, it was just a matter of when.
We're all thankful he survived 5 more years when the doctors told everyone he had 6 months.
We're thankful because those 5 years were the time he needed to finish his job here on earth.
I remember every year on my birthday, December 5th, he would send me a birthday card, send it so that I would get it in the mail exactly on the 5th.
I knew he was too weak now to take care of that stuff, but I still wondered.
The next day when I got the news, I felt, he was more than just weak, he was almost too far gone.
I'll never forget the feeling I felt when he sent me those cards.
I honestly thought I'd be aloof to my parents death at this point in my life.
But this experience made me realize,
I'm not going to be okay.
In time, but not then and there.
Love Less than 3. Love Love.
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Funny the way it is.
Monday, October 12, 2009
2 bags of Ricola cough drops, and I blame the media.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Intoxicated by Expectations.
I think a worst a person can do is go through life bitter, and so this is what we have to do, adjust and grow up. Science calls it homeostasis. But what they don't realize is the emotional strain you have to withstand in this.
Besides the people here have been so good to me, how could I have been so non-responsive? I guess for a while I was stuck in some weird depression of this place. Out of nowhere it grabbed me and tightened it's grip on me.
Today it struck me that all the routines, laughter, and friendships are so familiar to me.
I knew this was going to happen sometime, this adjusting thing. I never expected it to come so soon, I'm not complaining believe me. It's sort of some comfort, or maybe just relief. Whatever it is, I hope it lasts.
I forget what it feels like to have a crush. But on Sunday I remembered, when I saw the guy I liked for the longest time ever. I know it's completely cheesy, but I fell in like with him like no other.
And on that Sunday, when I remembered, I regretted just a little. Everything he did, every word he said ended up behind and over me. I got through the days for some stupid boy, so come to think of it, that stupid boy kept me alive.
I don't know where I was going with this, it's just. whatever.
I know it was completely pathetic of me, and I don't know why girls let themselves get like this. And five stars for the girls who draw lines at a certain point. I've been training myself a bit to be more like that.
Today is Thursday and I am very excited for an oddball reason.
I'm so excited for next Thursday too, when Christine is getting ungrounded! Ha, go congratulate her or something. Buy her some tofu., I don't know.
ROB LOWE is in some new movie. Just saying.

Love Love Love,
Friday, September 11, 2009
My non-existent hips don't lie.
Monday, September 7, 2009
I had a crush on Bart in the Simpsons episode when he turns into a teen.
Thursday, August 27, 2009
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
So what's it to you?

Sunday, August 23, 2009
Boy, girl. Girl, boy.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Monday, August 17, 2009
What comes first, the Chicken McNugget or the Egg McMuffin?
Sunday, August 16, 2009
Spring rolls,the Kardashians, and some legit human beings.

Thursday, August 13, 2009
The truth of my own words hit me hard.
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
D) It is written

Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Hi, I don't know where I'll be living a week from today.

The week of August 9th is the official Cat Week
So what am I now supposed to do, what Is there to do after all your tears have been dried out, when what you want is too painful, and what you don’t want is so convenient. When what seems like you can’t live without is discord.
It’s weird what kinds of physical pains emotional pains bring out, isn’t it?
As much as I’ve repeated before that I’d rather feel pain than nothing at all, like that one Three Days Grace song, times like this make me want to go back on my word. Because I feel I’m too weak to deal with this agony, and I’m sure a lot of you all understand.
Take a look at my daily horoscope for August 10
Believe it or not, you can change things and still have time left over for fun. All that energy isn't going to do you much good if you're just sitting there, so get out in the world and make a difference.
I decided to put this up, because this sort of had a deeper meaning than what it is on the surface.
I would probably be able to die for who I would live for, is there anyone who you would give up your own life for? Because in the end, isn't all life equal in value?
Sunday, August 9, 2009
Triceps? Biceps?
Thursday, August 6, 2009
Like the word: fluke.

Paper Hearts Contest

Tuesday, August 4, 2009
Nature Valley Crunchy Granola Bars
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Sometimes to find truth, one must move mountains.

Monday, July 27, 2009
Needles and Ink Will Keep Us Together.
Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Sunday, July 19, 2009
Mon Coeur
Hot Diggity

Saturday, July 11, 2009
I guess I'm just not cool enough to be a Mac person.
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
True That.
Strangely enough, I liked it. It's so ridiculous I find it pretty funny. Especially this one guy that likes Bianca. AHAA, he reminds me of myself in some ways, except the Y chromosomes of course. I feel like this show will become my new obsession.
Speaking of TV, aside from this new show, my favorite TV show these days is "It's on with Alexa Chung" on MTV. It's a talk show, though what first drew me in was her British accent. Nothing with a British accent gets by me. But when I really got into it, I found her sense of humor matching mine. I have a feeling if she and I were friends, we'd laugh around a lot and get along pretty well. Anyway, I thought I'd mention my new favorites, "It's on with Alexa Chung". Teehee.
I'm starting to read the Twilight saga again,
I'm on the second book, New Moon. I'm worried I might finish it before Jasmine has a chance to return me my Eclipse, the third book. Yes, that scares me. I'm such a scaredy cat. I fear practically everything. Pitiful.
To my desmay, I'm definately going to try not to find any hate for that girl. She really is going over the edge on everything and its just a tad bit more bragging for anyones tastes.
Who the hell cares though, right?
I'll just be the bigger person, because I'm sure thats just about a new concept for her. Especially because when I did mention it earlier to her, I felt like she thinks that is just beyond her abilities. -______-
How will she get through people that'll have more control than her?
Right now, I'm patiently waiting to get a macbook. AS if that's even coming anymore now.
Friday, July 3, 2009
By the way, it's
You would never know how much you remind me of this crazy little sweets. Ahaa, it's actually quite comical you think you're just the best thing anyone could ever meet, but all you created yourself into was a nasty girl that can't seem to get anything more.
On a brighter note,
Today is my brother's birthday. WHOO! happybirthdaytoyouhappybirthdaytoyou,happybirthdaytomybrother,happybirthdaytoyou!
Thanks, people really wanted to know that. Bahahahaa, fail.

I can't wait for all these things Christine and I have planned this summer. It's just some kind of high that I can't explain. High off all this time and ideas we have. It's what gets me going, it's so nice I have something like this.
But what I really hate right now is what you're doing to yourself.
The Ring of Mars
Everything I do these days I must push myself to do.
I feel as a believer, I've always wished upon the stars, only night after night.
Dreaming of everything that could or should be.
But I realize, I'm only human, and I can only believe in these stars to a certain extent. So I'm done waiting for something to happen anytime soon, because I keep seeing my dreams ricocheting off the stars and down to my hearts again.
It's like looking for the ring of Mars.
Useless, and pathetic.
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
SoyMilk and Burgers
I've had a dream about this random guy in school I don't even know for a couple nights now.
It's really weird, he just keeps popping up in parts of my dreams, and that is all I remember.
I got a nasty bruise on my toes because I fell. In my own home, it's just ridiculous.
I haven't written anything serious in a while, I should start soon enough.
I'm just drinking some soymilk to balance out the nasty burger I had. yum. That's how it is with me, when I have something bad, it just makes sense that it's not so bad anymore when you have something good.
Today I got all dressed up and cleaned, but I did not go outside at all.
Story of my sad day.
I hope I have something to write about soon.
Monday, June 22, 2009
Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Oh my my, how times have gone.
I will no longer be able to call myself an 8th grader.
I've been waiting for this week, for as long as I can remember. I've told myself I will never miss a place like JB, and at some point I even made myself believe this. But now that I'm graduating on this Friday, I feel nothing but shame for myself. Shame that I spent almost all the days here, wishing it was my last. Because now, even though I am so ready for my life ahead, I feel my last days should be spent longing it to last.
Having that said,
I'm still stoked for my plans up ahead.
Friday, I will be culminating in the 9AM ceremony. I'll most likely be going out to lunch with my parents, and meeting up with Kit and crash BC for a while.
By the time the 1:30PM ceremony ends, we'll be back to take pictures and such with the others.
I'll be back home to change and all while Christine has some time with her fam, and then she'll hit my pad.
We then are going Somewhere to look for circular barbells. We'll probably be so excited that we jump home all the way, and pierce that septum.
-Happy Dance-
And I'm prayingg she can do mine like a pro, because we're ditching them.
And I can do her's like a pro, because she'll literally slice my nose off if I don't.
Then, we're going to blow off that adrenaline going out for a movie.
Hopefully we can have a sleepyovery like a sleepyovary.
And the next day, go to the Northridge Mall. Do some jewelry grabbing, and end up at my Praise Night. Where we'll scream and jump and whatnot, praising our hearts out, hopefully freeing me of all my troubles, and come home satisfied.
Graduation pictures, and such coming.
Thursday, June 11, 2009
Weekend Away.
What I'll do there? I have no clue, I don't even want to go.
Last thing I need is to be away.
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
To my desmay, confusion has been building up on me until today, when finally I exploded. And all these people by me trying to help me out confuses me even more for I know exactly what's going through their minds.
Caught the irony?
This now, is not the thing that confuses, but depresses me, this person that is beating herself up for what I'm going through, like it's her fault, depresses me. I have no courage to speak up and reassure her that I'll get through this like any other times I fell down. She is the one who've seen me take my first steps, and was there to comfort me when I tripped and fell from those first steps.
Yeah, stupid thing to be afraid of, but honestly, thinking of it just scares the hell out of me.
Being here right now, makes me a coward.
How would you make yourself,
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
For me, this period of time was 2008ish.
I'm not suggesting at all, that this would be the end of my happiness, or the best of what I have left of my life, but merely dreaming how great it would be to go back to this time.
It would be great, but IF I were to be rewinding my life back so this year would repeat itself over and over, I'd truely be some sort of pain inducer.
Why you ask?
Take a look at all these disasters that has happened in the course of my happy 2008ish
January : 300 killed in Kenya, burning thousands of homes, farms, and property.
February: Venezuelen plane crashes killing all passengers.
March: Ohio, 13 die, hundreds evacuated from their own homes due to floods.
April: 80 people have died, and at least 75,000 infected in Rio de Janeiro from dengue fever outbreak
May: Tornadoes in several states of the United States of America killing hundreds in just one day.
June: Typhoon hits a ferry killing 800 passengers and crew.
July: Excessive rain in Ukraine and Romania causes up to $300 million in damage and kills 20.
August: When hurricane hits, the whole Caribbean is left homeless, and starving.
September: 100s die, and leaves hundreds more injured from collapse of religious temple.
October: Earthquake hitting Pakistan killing hundreds and leaving 15,000 homes damaged
November: Fires consume 40,000 acres.
December: 11 people are buried in avalanches, 3 found, all left buried.
If I were to repeat this year for who knows how long, the rest of the world suffering in agony will be repeating possibly the worst year of their life, because of my own selfish desires.
I may be going through tough times, but would I want somebody to be reliving their happiness just for themselves and let me rot in some pit of down lows?
Just as that, I may be in the lowest bottom of my life so far, but this just means I got more space to shoot up in to the highest moments of my life.
Clear as that.
Monday, June 8, 2009
It seems to me I've trapped myself in a room, a room where I can't enjoy the world's sunshine nor the breeze. Where I can't feel the world's pains and joys.
Where I can't hear their laughter, nor sufferings.
I've been locked up in this room because I'm afraid to hear beyond the part of the song LA's broken record offers.