People have come up with thousands of ways to help out other people.
I've actually helped part in this one organization called One Million Ways.
The first part in the plan of One Million Ways
is for you to accomplish a good deed (i.e. holding a door for someone, helping your friend study, recycling, etc.) let your imaginations run wild with what you can do for someone, and then spread the word. You introduce the idea and mission of this organization to others, and pass on your bracelet-which can be purchased for $1. Now, these bracelets each come with a tracking number which serves the purpose for you to go onlin
e to the website, and log in your good deed with the bracelet's tracking number.
Here's the important part, with every good deed you log into this website, the sponsors of the organization donate $1 to parts of the world stricken by starvation. So each time you decide to do good and post it online, you're helping people around the world.
The person you passed on your bracelet to now must serve a good deed to another and will log in their good deed.
The fun part, you can always go online and type in your old bracelet number and it'll show all the people, and good deeds the bracelet has passed onto. When I recently checked the bracelet I purchased and passed on, it had over 35 posts and counting, in zip codes out of California. It blew my mind, my bracelet donated over $35 to people who's in need of help in foreign countries.
This is such a simple way to help someone around you out, as well as the rest of the world.
Check out their website,
Or, come to me because I've still got some bracelets to give out!
Is there any goods you guys are involved with? Tell me about it, I'd love to take part.